55+ 18 Hole Golf League


$75 Registration Fee Includes

  • Weekly Prizes
  • Optional Skins Competitions
  • Preferred Pricing
  • Year End Luncheon

Virtual Meeting:
Monday May 3rd 2021 at 9am

Launch Date:
Tuesday May 25th 2021

Tee Times:
Tee Times Every Monday from 6:30am-9:30am
(Holiday Mondays will be played on Tuesdays – Tee Times 6:30am-9:30am).

* Tee times must be booked in advance. You may request to play with your friends or we can join you up others.

Dates To Remember:
Tuesday August 3rd 2021 – League will take place today (Holiday Monday)
Tuesday September 7th 2021 – League will take place today (Holiday Monday)

Year End Tournament:
Monday September 13th 2021 – Lunch Included


Weekly Fees:
Purchase a Membership and play for FREE on Mondays (excluding Holidays) from Opening Day until October 31st 2021! When there us a Holiday you can play for FREE on the following Tuesday until October 31st 2021.

Membership Walking ~ $449 + hst
Membership Riding ~ $649 + hst

Purchase a 10 or 20 Round Package and SAVE! Passes are valid Monday – Friday (excluding Holidays) for 1 year from the date of purchase. NOTE – LEAGUE PACKAGES are NON-TRANSFERABLE!

10 Rounds Walking ~ $275 + hst (9 or 18 holes)
10 Rounds Riding ~ $385 + hst (9 or 18 holes)

20 Rounds Walking ~ $532 + hst (9 or 18 holes)
20 Rounds Riding ~ $732 + hst (9 or 18 holes)


Pay As You Play:

Walking ~ $29 + hst for 9 Holes | $33 + hst for 18 Holes
Riding ~ $38.50 + hst for 9 Holes | $42.50 + hst for 18 Holes

55+ 18 Hole Golf League


Sold out!