Picture of Jessica Morris

Jessica Morris

Now Registering for the Polar Express!!!

Last weekend our Polar Bear Open sold out in under 24 hours and with a favourable forecast for this weekend we have decided to hold a similar event – The Polar Express.

Spaces in the event are limited so I recommend registering today.

If you could forward this email to any of your friends that may be interested in playing I’d greatly appreciate it.

Thanks and have a fantastic day!

Sunday December 13th, 2015
Fee is $60 per person

11am – Registration
11:30am – 18 Holes of Golf and Cart ~ Shotgun Start

2 Person Scramble Format
Top Team Wins $500*
2nd Place Wins $300*
3rd Place Wins $150*
9 “Closest To The Pin” Contests of $60* Each
*Based on a full field of 100 people

Optional Skins Game
To Register Call The Golf Shop at 705.721.9210 Today!

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